The filtering and paging function to fetch data about ecosystem is not working.( url:Ecosystem « P4 – Language Consortium )
Filters’ checkboxes and buttons shows text like [facetwp facet=“product_category”] rather than interactive html component.
By the way,I want to know the most popular SDN controller which supports p4.
Yes I saw this a couple of days ago, I forgot to send an email. That is a good catch
, thanks for posting.
To my knowledge, ONOS is probably your best choice, you can check the following tutorial. Still, you can also use the python libraries available in the P4 tutorials, and try to build your PoC controller. It is a long time I last heard about OpenDaylight and P4, they made a plugin a few years back but not sure if there is good support anymore. No idea about Faucet or Floodlight, but I think they might not support it.