Make run error creating error interface

here’s my error and topology:

“hosts”: {
“h1”: { “ip”: “”, “mac”: “00:00:00:00:00:01” },
“h2”: { “ip”: “”, “mac”: “00:00:00:00:00:02” },
“h3”: { “ip”: “”, “mac”: “00:00:00:00:00:03” }
“switches”: {
“s1”: { “runtime_json” : “s1-runtime.json” },
“s2”: { “runtime_json” : “s2-runtime.json” },
“s3”: { “runtime_json” : “s3-runtime.json” }
“links”: [
[“h1”, “s1”], [“s1”, “s2”], [“s1”, “s3”],
[“s3”, “s2”], [“s2”, “h2”], [“s3”, “h3”]

I’m new to this, I’ve tried clearing the mininet but it didn’t work

Hi @Angelajj ,

did you use sudo mn -c, you have a conflict because the virtual interface you try to create is already present so you have to remove it.

hi DavideS
Done. Thanks!!!