P4 Error during executing make run in exercises/basic: build/basic.p4.p4info.txtpb missing


I am working on a machine with Windows 11. I wanted to start the exercises in the tutorial. For that I downloaded the release VM Image from 2024-Jan-01. After importing and starting it in VirtualBox, I logged into P4 account, updated the git Repo and executed make run inside the basic exercise.
This returned an error:

mkdir -p build pcaps logs
p4c-bm2-ss --p4v 16 --p4runtime-files build/basic.p4.p4info.txtpb -o build/basic.json basic.p4
basic.p4(82): [--Wwarn=unused] warning: 'dstAddr' is unused
   action ipv4_forward(macAddr_t dstAddr, egressSpec_t port) {
basic.p4(82): [--Wwarn=unused] warning: 'port' is unused
   action ipv4_forward(macAddr_t dstAddr, egressSpec_t port) {
[--Werror=unknown] error: build/basic.p4.p4info.txtpb: Could not detect p4runtime info file format from file suffix .txtpb
make: *** [../../utils/Makefile:44: basic.json] Error 1

I tried the same with a different Release Image (2023-Jul-01), but get the same Error.
What am I doing wrong? I am happy about every help I can get :slight_smile:

I would try again, but skip the step “updated the git Repo” that you mentioned.

Why? Because the version of the tutorials repo included with each VM has been tested with the corresponding version of p4c, behavioral-model, etc. Occasionally incompatibilities are introduced in one repo that require updates in other repos to get them to work again. If you get older versions of p4c, behavioral-model, etc. and then update to the latest version of the tutorials repo, you are asking for incompatibilities.

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Oh okay, thanks. That makes sense. Now it’s working!