Hi all.
This question is in the context of the NGSDN Tutorial.
I want to collect data about Round Trip Time for several Toplogies for a project I am pursuing. However, I need help modifying the given topologies. Example Topologies that I wish to create are, for example, host-switch-switch-host, host-switch-switch-switch-switch-host, and so on.
I tried creating the host-switch-switch-host topology by modifying the current topology, where the leftmost host is h2, the rightmost host is h3, the leftmost switch is leaf1, and the rightmost switch is leaf2. To do so, I modified the topo_v6.py and netcfg.json files. However, when I try to run the above, each time, one single entry fails to be entered into the tables of leaves 1 and 2, and the following error is shown in the log file:
Unable to INSERT table entry on device:leaf2: OTHER_ERROR UNKNOWN Error when adding match entry to target (:2) [PiTableEntry{tableId=IngressPipeImpl.routing_v6_table, matchKey={hdr.ipv6.dst_addr=0x20010001000100000000000000000000/64}, tableAction=ACT_PROF_GROUP:-331677696, priority=N/A, timeout=PERMANENT}]
A similar message also appears from leaf one and shows up as PENDING_ADD in the individual log of the switch(for both leaf1 and leaf2, which are our switches 1 and 2).
As you can see, the message type is OTHER_ERROR UNKNOWN Error, which is not helping in debugging either.
A proper set of guidelines about which files have to modify, and how they have to be changed to create any custom topology of my own would be appreciated. I am on a strict deadline, and I would appreciate any help.
I apologize if this issue seems lengthy. It would be great if someone could help me.
Thank you