Now I am deployin the same code on Fabric testbed using the same architecture, but after deployment, I am getting this error on switch 1 and 2:
Could not connect to any of [('', 9090), ('', 9090)]
Could not connect to thrift client on port 9090
Make sure the switch is running and that you have the right port
and getting :
OCI runtime exec failed: exec failed: unable to start container process: chdir to cwd ("/root/p4_tutorials/pl_basic") set in config.json failed: no such file or directory: unknown
on switch3.
See below for the error messages on Fabric_testbed deployment.
Could you share with us the github link to the Fabric testbed ?
Are you sure that you are running simple_switch bmv2? maybe you are running simple_switch_grpc and I think that by default it does not have thrift server. I said that because from your mininet seems that you are running “grpc switches”.
Hi but the command that you are running -c 'p4c --p4runtime-files basic.txt --target bmv2 --arch v1model basic.p4' is used by the p4 compile to compile the p4 code.
This hsould be the code for running the switch docker exec -d -it fabric_p4 sh -c 'simple_switch --interface 1@'${port1_iface}' --interface 2@'${port2_iface}' --interface 3@'${port3_iface}' /root/tutorials/exercises/basic_tunnel/basic_tunnel.json'
I have tried but no luck. I am getting the same error :
root@9d3ec55cdce2:~# ./tools/behavioral-model/tools/ --thrift-port 9090
Could not connect to any of [('', 9090), ('', 9090)]
Could not connect to thrift client on port 9090
Make sure the switch is running and that you have the right port