once again, exactly this is the problem…
11tbps user traffic, colorful optics *wdm, wdwm, cwdm, xpon
mixed with 1tbps attack traffic that the big vendors asics cannot remove and reaches both the routers cards of them
edgecore wedge and 11tbps legit and 1tbps up to the xeon cpu…
allt the protocols time out and the box dies eating 2x800w once i coded this 1-10 loc… :((((
it was the rfc (twamp) but as it’s a cleartext api here that programs openwrts up to tofino3 soon nplang…
u know the rest what i think about this all… :((((
a month of silence 4 me, because the shame i feel now…
ps normally the user cannot abuse nor in dpdk nor on tofino but u know… the possibility is there, and they’re creative…
not to mention the linerate replication (multicast already shipping) and that one is 1 packet in , tofino puts that out to 32x the ports, and as soon as i configure a subinterface to the 400g optics like a vlan then
i packet in 11111111111 packets out… :(((((((
bier… bit indexed explicit replication (rfc) was the feature and we unrolled the loop as there is no inter-packet-knowledge (for loop)
rumors says this year it hits the juniper ptx10k and next year cisco asr9k and cisco8000…
now you see the big picture… :(((((
that 1tbps is nothing compared to abuse multicast (iptv ipradio) or bgp or igp… kabooms the “where to send the packet” protocols of the internet on a router, both the cards in 1-10 seconds of running the abused code… :(((((
now map.geant.org, a tier1 and i can send mpls (address the target interface) from china to usa, and they do have undersea 100gs… :(((((
and no it wont be geant but the universities when they replace their routers to this basically for a hour on 1th jan 2666.
so title as says, popcorn time and bounce the pcaps… i’ll grade them all with a meme… XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
fun challenge to have the pcap
bmv2 have 2 bgp4 (rfc-editor.org) neighbors
router bgp 2
niegh frrouting remote-as 1
niegh bird remote-as 3
thenn the above bgp hack… do do do learn internet…
but in bmv2, and with an real-bgp.open , real-bgp.update — [1-10000]*bgp.keepalives-from-p4lang — real-bgp.withdrawal real-bgp.notify imho it’s a fun challenge in mininet and a fun pcap to remember and be that all green in wireshark… :)))))
if the tcp sequences are not green its not an issue u know yet… XDDDD
here real means that could be from anywhere, a static hex dump much like the others… just the pcaps, not the codes… or github the codes, it’s a fun challenge… isnt it? atomic bomb from a router, hmmmm… 10 times the cat5e call pulliing systems, anything, u know… (yesterday i had to do that, the snow and the high torque and was not able to leave my flat for a dinner basically…) XDDDD
edit: in the meanwhile, still bgp4 but a different safi/afi than ipv4 unicast: