I’m sorry I didn’t make that clear. I referred to this example https://opennetworking.org/news-and-events/blog/getting-started-with-p4/.
Here is to add the forwarding port corresponding to the forwarding IP address.
But when I bind physical port with bmv2 through
sudo simple_switch --interface 0@enp2s0 --interface 1@enp4s0 test.bmv2/test.json &
I want the host connected to enp2s working on network segment to communicate with the host connected to enp4s working on network segment
Currently being plagued by this problem, it seems that no packages are reaching the bmv2 software switch.
Similar questions were asked::https://forum.p4.org/t/how-to-implement-softwared-p4-switch-in-pc-or-general-server-to-achieve-better-performance/698/4?u=jyt