Hi all,
I am new to this forum and also new to P4 coding in general. I have been really struggling with a specific lab problem that I have been trying to work out.
The problem is that I have been trying to implement a simple p4 code that would implement a checksum function for the IPv4 headers (with options) from scratch without using any extra functions in P4 and adding that to an existing forwarding example(attached below). But, as of now, I have not been able to make any progress for 2 months. Most of the online forums talk about coding in the v1model switch architecture but I am trying to implement the checksum functionality in xsa.p4 architecture. I know that there is a Checksum extern but I am not allowed to use it. I need to implement the algorithm from scratch. Also, it has been really difficult for me since there is no option of using loops in the language as well. I have scrambled around a lot to find anything that could help me with it but, to no avail. I am in desperate need of help from somebody who is experienced.
Could you anybody please kindly help me with it? I really, really need your help especially since I am new to this language and it has been really difficult for me to navigate through the language’s capabilities and limitations.
Hoping for your kind consideration. Thanks in advance.
I have attached the forwarding code below:
#include <core.p4>
#include <xsa.p4>
typedef bit<48> MacAddr;
typedef bit<32> IPv4Addr;
typedef bit<128> IPv6Addr;
const bit<16> VLAN_TYPE = 0x8100;
const bit<16> IPV4_TYPE = 0x0800;
const bit<16> IPV6_TYPE = 0x86DD;
const bit<8> TCP_PROT = 0x06;
const bit<8> UDP_PROT = 0x11;
// ****************************************************************************** //
// *************************** H E A D E R S *********************************** //
// ****************************************************************************** //
header eth_mac_t {
MacAddr dmac; // Destination MAC address
MacAddr smac; // Source MAC address
bit<16> type; // Tag Protocol Identifier
header vlan_t {
bit<3> pcp; // Priority code point
bit<1> cfi; // Drop eligible indicator
bit<12> vid; // VLAN identifier
bit<16> tpid; // Tag protocol identifier
header ipv4_t {
bit<4> version; // Version (4 for IPv4)
bit<4> hdr_len; // Header length in 32b words
bit<8> tos; // Type of Service
bit<16> length; // Packet length in 32b words
bit<16> id; // Identification
bit<3> flags; // Flags
bit<13> offset; // Fragment offset
bit<8> ttl; // Time to live
bit<8> protocol; // Next protocol
bit<16> hdr_chk; // Header checksum
IPv4Addr src; // Source address
IPv4Addr dst; // Destination address
header ipv4_opt_t {
varbit<320> options; // IPv4 options - length = (ipv4.hdr_len - 5) * 32
header ipv6_t {
bit<4> version; // Version = 6
bit<8> priority; // Traffic class
bit<20> flow_label; // Flow label
bit<16> length; // Payload length
bit<8> protocol; // Next protocol
bit<8> hop_limit; // Hop limit
IPv6Addr src; // Source address
IPv6Addr dst; // Destination address
header tcp_t {
bit<16> src_port; // Source port
bit<16> dst_port; // Destination port
bit<32> seqNum; // Sequence number
bit<32> ackNum; // Acknowledgment number
bit<4> dataOffset; // Data offset
bit<6> resv; // Offset
bit<6> flags; // Flags
bit<16> window; // Window
bit<16> checksum; // TCP checksum
bit<16> urgPtr; // Urgent pointer
header tcp_opt_t {
varbit<320> options; // TCP options - length = (tcp.dataOffset - 5) * 32
header udp_t {
bit<16> src_port; // Source port
bit<16> dst_port; // Destination port
bit<16> length; // UDP length
bit<16> checksum; // UDP checksum
// ****************************************************************************** //
// ************************* S T R U C T U R E S ******************************* //
// ****************************************************************************** //
// header structure
struct headers {
eth_mac_t eth;
vlan_t[2] vlan;
ipv4_t ipv4;
ipv4_opt_t ipv4opt;
ipv6_t ipv6;
tcp_t tcp;
tcp_opt_t tcpopt;
udp_t udp;
// User metadata structure
struct metadata {
//bit<9> port;
bit<16> tuser_size;
bit<16> tuser_src;
bit<16> tuser_dst;
// User-defined errors
error {
// ****************************************************************************** //
// *************************** P A R S E R ************************************* //
// ****************************************************************************** //
parser MyParser(packet_in packet,
out headers hdr,
inout metadata meta,
inout standard_metadata_t smeta) {
state start {
transition parse_eth;
state parse_eth {
transition select(hdr.eth.type) {
VLAN_TYPE : parse_vlan;
IPV4_TYPE : parse_ipv4;
IPV6_TYPE : parse_ipv6;
default : accept;
state parse_vlan {
transition select(hdr.vlan.last.tpid) {
VLAN_TYPE : parse_vlan;
IPV4_TYPE : parse_ipv4;
IPV6_TYPE : parse_ipv6;
default : accept;
state parse_ipv4 {
verify(hdr.ipv4.version == 4 && hdr.ipv4.hdr_len >= 5, error.InvalidIPpacket);
packet.extract(hdr.ipv4opt, (((bit<32>)hdr.ipv4.hdr_len - 5) * 32));
transition select(hdr.ipv4.protocol) {
TCP_PROT : parse_tcp;
UDP_PROT : parse_udp;
default : accept;
state parse_ipv6 {
verify(hdr.ipv6.version == 6, error.InvalidIPpacket);
transition select(hdr.ipv6.protocol) {
TCP_PROT : parse_tcp;
UDP_PROT : parse_udp;
default : accept;
state parse_tcp {
verify(hdr.tcp.dataOffset >= 5, error.InvalidTCPpacket);
packet.extract(hdr.tcpopt, (((bit<32>)hdr.tcp.dataOffset - 5) * 32));
transition accept;
state parse_udp {
transition accept;
// ****************************************************************************** //
// ************************** P R O C E S S I N G **************************** //
// ****************************************************************************** //
control MyProcessing(inout headers hdr,
inout metadata meta,
inout standard_metadata_t smeta) {
// action forwardPacket(bit<9> port) {
// meta.port = port;
// }
action forwardPacket() {
action dropPacket() {
smeta.drop = 1;
table forwardIPv4 {
key = { hdr.ipv4.dst : lpm; }
actions = { forwardPacket;
dropPacket; }
size = 1024;
num_masks = 64;
default_action = forwardPacket;
table forwardIPv6 {
key = { hdr.ipv6.dst : lpm; }
actions = { forwardPacket;
dropPacket; }
size = 1024;
default_action = forwardPacket;
apply {
if (smeta.parser_error != error.NoError) {
if (hdr.ipv4.isValid())
else if (hdr.ipv6.isValid())
// ****************************************************************************** //
// *************************** D E P A R S E R ******************************** //
// ****************************************************************************** //
control MyDeparser(packet_out packet,
in headers hdr,
inout metadata meta,
inout standard_metadata_t smeta) {
apply {
// ****************************************************************************** //
// ******************************* M A I N ************************************ //
// ****************************************************************************** //
) main;