Hi guys,
I acquired my Bachelor of Engineering in Information- and Communication Engineering last week My thesis was about P4 and connected to a research program at HTW Berlin. The thesis gives a summary of the following things:
- little history
- goals + prospects (including a self-designed header for cloning)
- functional principle (bmv2 + tna, control blocks, mirroring, data types)
- 6 exercices on the P4-VM with Mininet + BMv2
- 3 exercices on TNA/Tofino/Edge-Core Wedge 100BF-32X
- porting code from bmv2 to tna
- some testing with iperf, icmp, scapy
My main goal was making it easier for people to get into P4. I worked some years as an sys-admin, so I had a good background concerning switched networks, but yet had tough times at the beginning working with P4.
The thing is: the thesis is only available in german atm. Translating into english would be possible if there’s demand.
But never the less I wanted to ask, where to upload the thesis. Thought about here and the Intel Connectivity Research Program. Suggestions are welcome
The code for the exercices is in a git repo on some university servers. I’m checking how to make it public accessible atm.
Best regards
Marcel Beausencourt