Build buffer overflow algorithm

I’m working with dpdk-pipeline(as device) configure the pipeline with P4 program.
I wanted to ask how to handle with buffer over flow with the P4 program?

I red in the spec file that we can’t configure the buffering Q by P4, but is there is another way to impact this Q?
In the code below I tried to assign to each packet different QoS and the next step needs to drop/forward packets by this first classification.

thanks in advance


#include <core.p4>
#include <psa.p4>

const bit<16> ETHERTYPE_TPID = 0x8100;
const bit<16> ETHERTYPE_IPV4 = 0x0800;

/* Define all the headers the program will recognize
 * The actual sets of headers processed by each gress can differ

header ethernet_h {
	bit<48>   dst_addr;
	bit<48>   src_addr;
	bit<16>   ether_type;

header vlan_tag_h {
	bit<16> pcp_cfi_vid;
	bit<16>  ether_type;

header ipv4_h {
	bit<8>       version_ihl;
	bit<8>       diffserv;
	bit<16>      total_len;
	bit<16>      identification;
	bit<16>      flags_frag_offset;
	bit<8>       ttl;
	bit<8>       protocol;
	bit<16>      hdr_checksum;
	bit<32>      src_addr;
	bit<32>      dst_addr;

const int IPV4_HOST_SIZE = 65536;

typedef bit<48> ethernet_addr_t;

struct my_ingress_headers_t {
	ethernet_h   ethernet;
	vlan_tag_h   vlan_tag;
	ipv4_h       ipv4;

struct my_ingress_metadata_t {

struct empty_metadata_t {

parser Ingress_Parser(
	packet_in pkt,
	out my_ingress_headers_t hdr,
	inout my_ingress_metadata_t meta,
	in psa_ingress_parser_input_metadata_t ig_intr_md,
	in empty_metadata_t resub_meta,
	in empty_metadata_t recirc_meta)
	 state start {
		transition parse_ethernet;

	state parse_ethernet {
		transition select(hdr.ethernet.ether_type) {
			ETHERTYPE_TPID:  parse_vlan_tag;
			ETHERTYPE_IPV4:  parse_ipv4;
			default: accept;

	state parse_vlan_tag {
		transition select(hdr.vlan_tag.ether_type) {
			ETHERTYPE_IPV4:  parse_ipv4;
			default: accept;

	state parse_ipv4 {
		transition accept;


control ingress(
	inout my_ingress_headers_t hdr,
	inout my_ingress_metadata_t meta,
	in psa_ingress_input_metadata_t ig_intr_md,
	inout psa_ingress_output_metadata_t ostd
	 * If got match -> egress
	 * to port 1 else drop
	action send(PortId_t port, ClassOfService_t class) {
		ostd.egress_port = (PortId_t) port;
		ostd.drop = false;
		ostd.class_of_service = (ClassOfService_t) class;

	/* This is workaround due to probably p4c-dpdk bug.
	 * Details can be see here:
	 * This line need to be "ostd.drop = true;"
	action drop() {
		ostd.drop = true;
	action set_port_and_src_mac( PortId_t port,
								 ethernet_addr_t src_mac,
								 ethernet_addr_t dst_mac) {
	send_to_port(ostd, port);
		hdr.ethernet.src_addr = src_mac;
		hdr.ethernet.dst_addr = dst_mac;

	table ipv4_host {
		key = { hdr.ipv4.dst_addr : exact; }
		actions = {
			@defaultonly NoAction;

		const default_action = NoAction();

		size = IPV4_HOST_SIZE;

	 * registers, counter
	apply {

control Ingress_Deparser(packet_out pkt,
	out empty_metadata_t clone_i2e_meta,
	out empty_metadata_t resubmit_meta,
	out empty_metadata_t normal_meta,
	inout my_ingress_headers_t hdr,
	in    my_ingress_metadata_t meta,
	in psa_ingress_output_metadata_t istd)
	apply {

struct my_egress_headers_t {

struct my_egress_metadata_t {

parser Egress_Parser(
	packet_in pkt,
	out my_egress_headers_t hdr,
	inout my_ingress_metadata_t meta,
	in psa_egress_parser_input_metadata_t istd,
	in empty_metadata_t normal_meta,
	in empty_metadata_t clone_i2e_meta,
	in empty_metadata_t clone_e2e_meta)
	state start {
		transition accept;

control egress(
	inout my_egress_headers_t hdr,
	inout my_ingress_metadata_t meta,
	in psa_egress_input_metadata_t istd,
	inout psa_egress_output_metadata_t ostd)
	apply {

control Egress_Deparser(packet_out pkt,
	out empty_metadata_t clone_e2e_meta,
	out empty_metadata_t recirculate_meta,
	inout my_egress_headers_t hdr,
	in my_ingress_metadata_t meta,
	in psa_egress_output_metadata_t istd,
	in psa_egress_deparser_input_metadata_t edstd)
	apply {

#if __p4c__
bit<32> test_version = __p4c_version__;

IngressPipeline(Ingress_Parser(), ingress(), Ingress_Deparser()) pipe;

EgressPipeline(Egress_Parser(), egress(), Egress_Deparser()) ep;

PSA_Switch(pipe, PacketReplicationEngine(), ep, BufferingQueueingEngine()) main;


My understanding of the current DPDK implementation of the PSA architecture is that it is a partial implementation, i.e. it does not implement a traffic manager and egress processing, only ingress processing. See the list of unsupported features in DPDK here: p4c/backends/dpdk at main · p4lang/p4c · GitHub

I do not know the details of DPDK well enough to say for sure, but given that partial implementation, it is not clear to me whether that target is an interesting place to implement a traffic manager buffer sharing algorithm. But I also do not know what goal you have in investigating buffer sharing algorithms, and whether that limitation of DPDK’s PSA implementation makes it unuseful for your purposes.