Bridging user metadata in NIKSS switch?

trying to bridge the user metadata doesn’t seem to work for the NIKSS switch,
I get the following errors when trying to compile the generated C file:

simple_switch.c:531:1: error: expected expression
simple_switch.c:533:17: error: use of undeclared identifier 'normal_meta'
                normal_meta = meta;            }

I am modifying the basic forwarding example included in the NIKSS repository.
my entire code is included below

#include <core.p4>
#include <psa.p4>

typedef bit<48>  EthernetAddress;
typedef bit<32>  IPv4Address;

struct empty_t {}

header ethernet_t {
    EthernetAddress dstAddr;
    EthernetAddress srcAddr;
    bit<16>         etherType;

header ipv4_t {
    bit<4>  version;
    bit<4>  ihl;
    bit<8>  diffserv;
    bit<16> totalLen;
    bit<16> identification;
    bit<3>  flags;
    bit<13> fragOffset;
    bit<8>  ttl;
    bit<8>  protocol;
    bit<16> hdrChecksum;
    bit<32> srcAddr;
    bit<32> dstAddr;

struct metadata {
    bit<32> ingress_port; 

struct headers {
    ethernet_t       ethernet;
    ipv4_t           ipv4;

parser IngressParserImpl(packet_in buffer,
                         out headers parsed_hdr,
                         inout metadata meta,
                         in psa_ingress_parser_input_metadata_t istd,
                         in empty_t resubmit_meta,
                         in empty_t recirculate_meta)
    state start {
        transition select(parsed_hdr.ethernet.etherType) {
            0x0800: parse_ipv4;
            default: accept;

    state parse_ipv4 {
        transition accept;

parser EgressParserImpl(packet_in buffer,
                        out headers parsed_hdr,
                        inout metadata meta,
                        in psa_egress_parser_input_metadata_t istd,
                        in metadata normal_meta,
                        in empty_t clone_i2e_meta,
                        in empty_t clone_e2e_meta)
    state start {
        transition select(parsed_hdr.ethernet.etherType) {
            0x0800: parse_ipv4;
            default: accept;

    state parse_ipv4 {
        transition accept;

control ingress(inout headers hdr,
                inout metadata meta,
                in    psa_ingress_input_metadata_t  istd,
                inout psa_ingress_output_metadata_t ostd)

    action do_forward(PortId_t egress_port) {
        meta.ingress_port = (bit<32>) istd.ingress_port;
        send_to_port(ostd, egress_port);

    table tbl_fwd {
        key = {
            hdr.ethernet.dstAddr : exact;
        actions = { do_forward; NoAction; }
        default_action = NoAction;
        size = 100;

    apply {

control egress(inout headers hdr,
               inout metadata meta,
               in    psa_egress_input_metadata_t  istd,
               inout psa_egress_output_metadata_t ostd)
    apply { }

control CommonDeparserImpl(packet_out packet,
                           inout headers hdr)
    apply {

control IngressDeparserImpl(packet_out buffer,
                            out empty_t clone_i2e_meta,
                            out empty_t resubmit_meta,
                            out metadata normal_meta,
                            inout headers hdr,
                            in metadata meta,
                            in psa_ingress_output_metadata_t istd)
    CommonDeparserImpl() cp;
    apply {
        cp.apply(buffer, hdr);
        if (psa_normal(istd)) {
            normal_meta = meta;

control EgressDeparserImpl(packet_out buffer,
                           out empty_t clone_e2e_meta,
                           out empty_t recirculate_meta,
                           inout headers hdr,
                           in metadata meta,
                           in psa_egress_output_metadata_t istd,
                           in psa_egress_deparser_input_metadata_t edstd)
    CommonDeparserImpl() cp;
    apply {
        cp.apply(buffer, hdr);

                IngressDeparserImpl()) ip;

               EgressDeparserImpl()) ep;

PSA_Switch(ip, PacketReplicationEngine(), ep, BufferingQueueingEngine()) main;

Ok in this example I solved the problem simply by removing the if condition in the egress parser,
and by modifying the .c file to include the line

struct metadata *normal_meta;

next to the line

struct metadata *meta;

however this simple solution doesn’t work in a more complicated program.

You may receive better support asking on the repository: Issues · NIKSS-vSwitch/nikss · GitHub

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